All About Janey

Welcome!  If you’ve found this page you’ve probably already read at least one of Janey Doe’s posts, and her secret’s out – she is a snarky bitch.  Janey blogs because it’s cheaper than therapy, keeps her out of jail (at least so far) and it lets her vent when real life begins to wear her down.

To Janey’s utter amazement a few folks out there like what she writes!  How cool is that?  One of her greatest enjoyments is to make people laugh.  We’re not talking stand-up comedy here – she would hyperventilate and land on her face!  Which I grant you, would be funny but would hurt like hell!  When Janey can write something that brings a smile or a giggle, she is one happy lady.  It gives her a sense of accomplishment that she never expected to have from this blog.

You will probably never see a political or religious post here; not because Janey doesn’t believe or have opinions (trust me, she HAS opinions!)  She just prefers to keep her beliefs and opinions private – as much as possible.  If you’re strong in what you believe she isn’t likely to persuade you to her point of view anyway is she?  She chooses not to waste energy that way.

What Janey hopes you’ll find here is a little lightness for your day, something we can all use now and then.  If that equates to a haiku about her commute or a sarcastic rant about the in-laws so be it.  She writes for herself first, but she would be proud and happy if it also touched a chord with her readers.

Thanks for visiting.

51 thoughts on “All About Janey

  1. I wasn’t sure where to ask this. I love that emblem to the right. ‘Award Free Blog’. Is that something I can use? I’ve only been nominated for one award. I tried to decline it politely, but that’s hard to do. It would be much less awkward to state my aversion to awards without being asked.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Exactly why I stole it from another blog! 😀 I’m not sure whether you can right click over the icon itself and copy it but give that a try. If it doesn’t work let me know and I’ll dig into the settings and find the link. Thanks for stopping by.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Pingback: Block Party | Chic Prune

  3. I think you have changed design since I visited your blog last time. I like it so much, it’s so laconic, and monochromatic pictures look very stylish, the one with the moon is especially cool.


  4. Dang….I nominated you for the ”One Lovely Blog” award. I didn’t see your award-free blog blurb until now. But… that doesn’t mean you have to accept it. I absolutely support your award-free status should you choose to maintain the status quo and remain unbeholden to anyone with no obligation to endorse or suggest work not your own. 😉

    (It is an honor to be thought of but I totally ‘get’ the blogging equivalent of a chain letter feel of it.)

    If you do want to participate and accept the award you can check out your official nomination and how to accept it at
    Regardless, Happy Monday! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I’ve nominated you for the Real Neat Blog Award – no link yet because I scheduled the post for tomorrow morning (EST) while I’ll be at work. Do not feel obligated to accept or pass it on unless you have the time & the inclination.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Hi Janey! I saw the like you gave my post to VD at Behind the White Coat so I had to pop over and check your blog. It is lovely, and funny, and I am envious of the fact that you do not dip into the personal opinion blogging like some of us who often question why we began ranting in the first place. Consider yourself newly followed 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Hi. It’s me again. I’m impressed with your commitment to refrain from political or religious diatribe. I started out like that but because nobody I know who is physically present is interested I sometimes vent on my blog. . Anyway if you’re still interested here is a political/religious post that might make you chuckle a bit.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Pingback: Be Our Guest–In Which Janey Does Tweaking, Advising & Loving Letter-Writing – dearlilyjune

  9. Nice to meet you snarky Janey! I came for a visit after checking out freethinkersanonymous’ website. Looking forward to following your blog and to smiling and laughing right along with you. We seem to share the same goals about our blogs. 🙃

    Liked by 1 person

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