Blogging 101: Let’s Get Personal

Today’s assignment was to personalize our blogs so I tried a little color change-up.  I went through various color schemes but there was always something off about them.  Oh the pale pink was lovely, don’t get me wrong.  But then my tagline didn’t show up very well and I couldn’t figure out how to change the color of my blog title and tagline.  I don’t think I can do that on this theme, but if someone out there knows otherwise please hit me up with the answer?

Obviously if you’re reading this you’ll see I’m back to the original color scheme for Truly Minimal; which I loved anyway.

Next I thought it would be fun to figure out a header; I really wanted something that would mesh well with the blog title or alternatively, compliment the idea of blogging anonymously.  Enter silhouettes!  Lots of silhouettes!  Randomly appearing silhouettes depicting life’s path, or some malarkey like that.

What?  You expected me to get all serious or sentimental about life?  Boy are you on the wrong blog!  😀

I’m not sure why these spoke to me, but as an anonymous female blogger, there was just something about them that said “I am Janey Doe.”  Not literally; the images didn’t actually speak.  But if they could, don’t you think they’d volunteer for this duty?

Let me know what you think? (I think if you want to see more than one you need to refresh the page.)


The theme’s the thing!

With apologies to William Shakespeare.  Today’s Blogging 101 assignment was to try on different themes.  I finally had some free time and did just that.  It wasn’t as simple as the instructions led me to believe.  Interpretation:  I was quickly frustrated, but I pressed on.

I looked mainly for simple, uncluttered themes and liked more than a few.  The ones I didn’t care for were the busier layouts – those designed more for folks who often post photos or other types of graphics.  With no artistic talent to speak of, I left those behind and narrowed my “likes” to three.

If you’re reading this you can see my new theme – Truly Minimal.  I LOVED the lighthearted polka dots and the layout of Adelle, but I was having trouble with the font used for the posts.  Between the font size and the way it seemed to disappear against the background, these tired old eyes were ready to rebel.  When I saw how clean, crisp and readable Truly Minimal is I was hooked.  I hope you like it as much as I do.

If not, it’s been nice knowing you.  😉

And if anyone knows why my emoticon won’t work in the new theme please enlighten me?  Thanks!