Goats in Trees

Last year a bunch of the secretaries got together after work one afternoon and started a new holiday tradition.  Sadly, I wasn’t able to participate.  This year though I’m eager to meet with everyone, share a beer or three and exchange calendars.

Yes, calendars.

This exchange was inspired by a calendar someone saw:

Goats in Trees

Yep, those are goats.  In trees.

Apparently this started someone’s brain working and the “Goats in Trees” calendar exchange was born!  The rules are simple:

  1. Pick out a funny, office appropriate calendar.
  2. Wrap said calendar.
  3. Attend exchange; drink beer (or other beverage of your choice; I may have to indulge in One Scotch, One Bourbon, and One Beer*).
  4. Trade calendars (since I didn’t make it to last year’s shindig I don’t know how this part works).
  5. Display the calendar you receive in your cubicle for the duration of 2015.

See?  Simple.  And this promises to be loads of fun.  No, seriously, loads of fun.  Here’s a calendar I almost picked up for the exchange.

Yoga Dogs

When I went back to buy it though it was nowhere in sight and I was disappointed. 😦  But I plowed on through the display and came up with a funny animal calendar with mostly work appropriate captions.  I didn’t think of taking a photo of it to share here and I couldn’t find it online.  Now it’s wrapped up but believe me, it was pretty funny.  Panda in a tire swing funny!

And then there’s this one which I would have totally chosen if I’d seen it first!

Sock Monkey Kama Sutra

Well, except for that stupid “office appropriate” requirement.

*I know you’re thinking I got the title wrong aren’t you?  Aren’t you?  Well my source tells me the original title was One Scotch, One Bourbon, One Beer; it was written by Rudy Toombs and recorded for the first time in 1953 by Amos Milburn.  Of course my source is Wikipedia so there’s that.  Personally, I think they should be alphabetical, but I think that could be the OCD talking.

16 thoughts on “Goats in Trees

  1. These are great and not only because they’re funny. Setting the bar at an affordable and somewhat exciting holiday gift is a great idea and alleviates the pressure and stress of holiday shopping for co-workers. In my last office, we just had a no gift policy. Now, I am really the only office staff so I don’t have to worry about it.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. It is, indeed, a great idea. Who doesn’t like funny (and, yes, even work-appropriate funny) calendars? I do have to point out one thing about your post though, You forgot to use the Oxford comma when you wrote, “One Scotch, One Bourbon and One Beer.” Tsk, tsk.


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